Autographed Physical Copy and E-Book - The Mental Cost of Entrepreneurship
Autographed Physical Copy and E-Book - The Mental Cost of Entrepreneurship
****July 25 Release Date****
Original Price: $30.00
**Discount will be added at checkout* - Total Cost: $27.00
The Mental Cost of Entrepreneurship: Overcoming Adversity to Manifest Your Vision is a collaborative book project featuring entrepreneurs who are ready to share their story with the world.
The 10 trailblazing co-authors in this collaborative project presented by Psychotherapist and Entrepreneur, Shanna A. Jefferson, are entrepreneurs from various walks of life who have experienced first-hand the trials and tribulations of entrepreneurship.
Each co-author shares his or her journey including the struggles as well as the lessons learned that have propelled them forward.
If you are an aspiring or emerging entrepreneur, then this book is for you as you transcend adversity to achieve greatness.